Friday, February 26, 2016

Disgraceful, Sen Lindsey Graham Jokes About Killing Ted Cruz

There is nothing funny or amusing about Lindsey Graham saying Ted Cruz could be killed on the Senate floor and no one would be convicted if tried in the Senate. I find it disgraceful for those attending Washington Press Club Foundation Congressional Dinner to laugh and applaud, roast or not. Talking about killing people for having a difference of opinion is not funny. Probably a stretch here but IMO Graham was running with idea Trump has planted that "nobody likes Ted" so what the heck let's joke about killing.

Keep in mind Trump is the one who has doubled down he could kill people and would maintain support. The same guy Graham points out would use the guillotine on Speaker Ryan! We do not need "leaders" using this type of language. Graham is right the GOP has gone batshit crazy and he's right in front!

America pray you don't see the day when blows are thrown on the floor of the US Senate or House. Last time that happened we had a civil war and 500,000 DIED!

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