Friday, February 26, 2016

Obama: ISIL Not a Caliphate, But a Crime Ring

What crime ring has conquered the amount of territory as the ISIL death cult? What crime ring has created so much havoc entire regions of people are running for the hills "migrating" (invading) other countries?! What crime ring brazenly goes out in public square to execute people on film as onlookers stand idly-bye screaming chants in support? What crime ring captures military installations and airbases?

Sorry Barry I don't remember anyone from The Five Families (Genovese, Gambino etc), or large gangs like the Crypts or Bloods etc having this much power attacking their enemies on a global scale EVER!

Obama continues to downplay the threat of ISIS, he trivializes a creation of his and Clinton's foreign policy wanting to treat them like some corner street thugs. That's right Clinton played a role in these SOB's too with the mess she made as Sec of State in the middle east!

Watch your six because every single time obama trivializes this death cult they launch an attack!

(FYI obama calls them ISIL, "L"=Levant which would include Israel in their end goal of captured territories in the middle east.)

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