Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Mark Levin: ‘You Can Kiss What’s Left of the Constitution Goodbye’ if Obama Replaces Scalia

Everything Mark Levin spells out in this clip is 100% dead on. If another radical judicial activist is appointed by obama we can kiss the Constitution goodbye! Many times STR has warned the real threat to the US is those who are appointed to SCOTUS. Levin, myself and many others have warned we are 1 vote away from losing our rights, especially the Second Amendment. Well we just lost that 1 vote a few days ago and now our Constitutional rights are in danger.

Yes, obama has a right to appoint Scalia's replacement BUT Congress is not bound by the Constitution to confirm that nominee and seat them on the bench for a lifetime! With this threat on the horizon the idea of an Article V Convention of the States with term limits, not just for Congress but SCOTUS, being first on the docket should be very appealing now!

Any Senate republican who casts a "Yay" vote for whomever obama picks needs to be kicked out of office this election (if they're not up for re-election then they need to be recalled). We know all the democrats will vote in favor so it's a no brainer they need to be thrown out but the question is DO YOU HAVE THE WILL TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY? Or, will you whine and complain online calling for someone else to do what you choose not to do?

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