Monday, February 15, 2016

Trump Praises Obama's Illegal Exec Order for DREAMers: I Think It’s Great

Trump supporters you better start to really listen and comprehend what he is (not) saying instead of getting all caught up with his obama style heated rhetoric. You were enraged years ago because no one vetted obama and he turned out to be a total disaster. Here we are again with history repeating itself and so many are blindly backing this guy who is a liberal at heart. FTR he says he will deport illegals, build a wall and welcome them back, that's what we call touchback amnesty DEAL WITH IT!

The reporter was clear with her question to Trump, so please spare the excuses. Now because he stepped in it Trump immediately deflected to make the issue about America dreamers and then goes on about African-Americans... Tell us again he isn't a politician who flips on the fly and plays word games. Either he agrees with obama, as he admitted, or has no idea what he is talking about being incoherent as always. Choose one, but understand either choice is wrong!

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