Monday, March 28, 2016

Ben Carson: GOP Faces 'Absolute Destruction' Unless Trump is the Nominee

If Cruz or Trump are not named the GOP nominee Carson's prediction of 'absolute destruction' of the republican party will be true. The GOP in the minds of most is already done for, they have gone the way of the Whig Party. You can be sure if we end up with someone other than Cruz or Trump the party will more than likely also lose majorities in the House and Senate. This country is a mess, the party system is a mess a restart is coming...

Now to be clear, Cruz or Trump must get 1237 delegates per the RULES THEY AGREED TO. Got it!? Now if either of them hits that number and RNC king makers change the rules at the convention fine people will have something to more or less revolt over. Either candidates followers should really know what they're talking about vs making up blanket statements on how things work. There is an incredible amount of misinformation going around the net as to how this process works. Majority or plurality of votes is not a guarantee one will be the nominee. Delegates are bound to vote for candidates in a certain number of votes per each states rules. They cannot be forced to vote for someone else if their vote is promised to another, again this is dependent on number of votes taken at the convention. If Cruz or Trump hits 1237 they have the nomination but if this goes to several rounds of voting it could literally be anyone coming out as the candidate. This system has been working this way for a very long time, if it was good enough for Lincoln and Reagan it should be good enough for those running today today.

Here are the rules please READ THEM.

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