Tuesday, March 29, 2016

John Kasich Promises to Force Convention Fight

John Kasich is beyond delusional. Ted Cruz or Donald Trump can get to 1237 delegates BEFORE the convention. BUT as long as this establishment spoiler remains in the race the probability of one of them hitting the magic number diminishes.

Kasich truly believes he could come out as the nominee pissing the majority of GOP voters off. This nut job (I mean that seriously) can't even win a state race outside of his home state. With that in mind I'd like to point out this progressive sac of garbage under RNC Rule 40 has to win 8 races to be considered the nominee! Fox's MacCallum proved why she is third string filling in for other hosts because an informed host would have directly challenged this spoiler on that very issue.

Kasich's sole purpose is to force a brokered convention. That said yes Trump & Cruz supporters your argument of a stolen nomination/ convention is valid.

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