Friday, April 8, 2016

Former Congressmen on Fighting Radical Islamist Terrorists: 'We Are in World War III'

“They are coming to kill people, and we are in World War III, and so the administration and the Congress has to deal with it or else some very bad things are going to happen in the world.”

Former Rep. Frank Wolf was part of a Family Research Council panel discussing the threats against Christians and religious liberty where he did not hold back about the dire situation we are up against from radical islam. Wolf joins others like Mark Levin ringing the bell that we are in World War III and our leadership is doing nothing to address.

We accept obama will sit idly by as he has for the last 8 years allowing radical islam to rise to power but Wolf called out Congress for doing nothing. The lack of any true strong response to terrorist attacks is sending a clear message to jihadists to continue and increase their attacks. The failure of our leadership as a whole is going to lead to another 9/11, it's not a question of if but when.

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