Saturday, April 9, 2016

Judge Pirro to Establishment: The People 'Will Not Be a Puppet on a String, So Stop Trying to Pull Our Strings!'

Judge Pirro delivered a solid opening statement defending Trump, Cruz and frankly the American people against the ruling elitists in the establishment GOP. While republican voters are split, one thing that both factions have in common is our detest for the elitists who are running the party and this country into the ground who are planning to screw both candidates over in Cleveland.

The RNC rules stand, that ALL candidates agreed to, but as Pirro highlights there are many hints now the GOPe will try to change the rules so they can install their own candidate to have a "fresh face" to go up against Clinton. IMO as Pirro fired another warning shot across the GOPe's bow when she spoke of the American Revolution. The power brokers in DC just don't get it. First, they think govt give us rights but govt derives its power from the people. Second they underestimate the backlash that is coming their way if they screw Trump or Cruz over.

Let me just say if this happens Cleveland will probably look like a war zone when the dust settles and there is NO WAY Trump or Cruz supporters will back Kasich, Ryan or whomever the GOPe coronates as THEIR candidate.

And there lies the problem, the elites think the nominee is for them not the American people. The elites (both sides of the aisle) don't care what the people think or want, they do what they want, when they want to maintain the money, power and control they are all drunk with. These fools have no idea the hell coming their way if Trump or Cruz doesn't walk out of that convention as the nominee.

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