Monday, April 11, 2016

Rush: Cruz Isn't CHEATING, He's Serious About WINNING

Rush has been playing it close the line going back and forth covering Cruz and Trump. He has these spells of praising both candidates and then being on the receiving end of attacks by listeners. Rush will surely be attacked for this clip telling the truth that Cruz isn't cheating and stealing delegates.

The truth of the matter is Cruz is playing this game NO ONE likes that the elites set up. Trump has taken some of the races for granted thinking he will easily sweep them because of his celebrity status. The rules have been in place that ALL candidates including Donald Trump AGREED to. Fact is Trump has no infrastructure set up while others were spending money putting "boots on the ground" in many states. He mocked them all for wasting money, well now who is laughing now?

This primary is about selecting delegates who will vote for the nominee at the convention. Trump and many of his supporters need to be reminded the US is NOT a democracy we are Republic governed by laws not mob rule. He doesn't like the rules too bad, and for the record he didnt mind the rules when he won in Florida and Kasich won Ohio etc.

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