Monday, April 11, 2016

Congressman Warns Incoming Syrian Refugees Should Be Vetted... Obama Admin Said They Were

Republican Congressman Dave Brat issued a warning that Syrian refugees being brought to the US under the "Surge Operation" should be vetted. We were told they were!

To hear this shouldn't be surprising though, it's another national security failure by the obama regime. What Brat suggests confirms regime members like Loretta Lynch blatantly lied after going on record every effort will be made to vet the refugees with a "robust screening process".

Sec of State Kerry said it was inappropriate for Americans to panic

Democrat Rep Becerra said to deny refugees access would be a "sin" based on "hate"

Another democrat, Rep Andre Carson, told Jake Tapper he isn't concerned about terrorists infiltrating the refugee program.

Why do I cite these previous comments? Because waaaay back in November 2015 I posted that 13% of Syrian refugees polled have a positive view on ISIS! Using the poll numbers I seriously low-balled the result where at least 136 cold-blooded terrorists would get through, brought to US soil.

Let's put some perspective on that number...

19 terrorists killed 3,000 on 9/11
7 terrorists killed 130 in Paris
2 terrorists killed 14

Imagine what 136 could do?!

More attention needs to be brought on this, it's mind blowing no one is talking about as the first batch of the "Surge Operation" refugees are coming in. Hey America, MSM, Alt-Right media etc can we give the Trump marathon a break before we have another 9/11 or Paris style attack in a major US city?

ht CNS

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