Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Did Trump Have a Freudian Slip Outing Himself as a Democrat?!

Trump Has Freudian Slip Outs Himself as Democrat?!

Donald Trump in many interviews identifies as a republican. He has been adamant about it, that he is a conservative even going as far as to compare himself to Ronald Reagan. That said Trump clearly separates himself from the republican party, party of Reagan, in this clip. As you listen to this keep in mind Trump and the Fox & Friends hosts are talking about Bernie Sanders, how this primary system is "rigged".

"..I'm an outsider the systems rigged I see it I see it now 100% and by the way not just on our side I think its worse on the republicans side."

Someone please explain who "our side" is that he is referring to? There was no tongue twisting nothing is taken out of context. And before anyone says "well he is saying he is an outsider", outsider is not a party. Trump and Cruz are both outsiders but identify as republicans. Trump specifically addressed the republican party having problems here, so whose party does he consider himself in if it isn't that which he says he's part of? Again they're talking about Sanders, a DEMOCRAT(socialist, they're all the same).

Like it or not it sure sounds like Donald just outed himself as a democrat, like his two kids that forgot to change their party affiliation! Ivanka and Eric are registered democrats because they follow their fathers footsteps(they probably didn't think he would get this far so it never crossed their minds until it was too late)!

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