Friday, April 15, 2016

Your Tax Dollars Are Supporting DEPORTED Illegal Aliens

Would anyone here like $50,000 a year and govts "help" to start their own business? Well as many struggling entrepreneurs have learned (incl yours truly) that's next to impossible to get. That said grab the duct tape to wrap around your head for this one...

Your tax dollars are being spent to support illegal aliens AFTER they've been deported! Fox's James Rosen reports DEPORTED El Salvadorans have been spending up to $50,000 a year to help them start their own business! Meanwhile the border patrol and other agencies tasked with protecting the US are having their budgets cut.

This is what happens when you have a govt that has grown completely out of control. Of all the candidates running for President only one, Ted Cruz, is talking about shrinking govt to stop this kind of insanity. Trump in his defense wants to build a wall that Congress already passed a bill to do in 2006. The other 2 clowns, Sanders & Clinton, want to open the floodgates at the border letting everyone in giving them everything (shelter, food, medical care, education) for free aka at your expense.

Choose your party's nominee wisely America, remove the emotion, LISTEN to what they're saying for once. TEA Party and true Constitutional Conservatives you know Cruz is the only candidate talking about small govt. Trump talks a tough game on immigration but I've yet to find any of his speeches where he talks in great detail about reducing the size of govt.

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