Monday, May 2, 2016

Convicted Voyeur Chased Out of Store is Why People Oppose Open Door Restroom Policy

Why am I posting this? Simple, the guy caught and chased on camera is the type of pervert republicans and conservatives are concerned about who will take advantage of any law(libs demand & push through) that makes restrooms gender neutral. Conservatives don't care about the Caitlyn Jenner's of the world using the women's restroom, or Chaz Bono's using the men's restroom because they are legitimate transgender living the life of the gender their believe they are... THEY POSE NO THREAT!

It is perverts like Jeffrey Polizzi that pose a threat who will capitalize off of letting anyone use any restroom they want claiming they are transgender or have some fear of using the appropriate restroom, as a man demonstrated at Target last month.

The issue of who can and cannot use the appropriate restroom is a security issue. We are at our most vulnerable when we go, no man out there can say he is okay watching a man go into the same restroom as his wife, daughter, sister, mother etc. What will inevitably happen if this gets out of control (and it will) is Dad's will stand right at the doorway with the door cracked open making sure nothing happens.

If those of you out there in the LGBT community who are attacking republicans, conservatives and states like North Carolina can't see this then you have much bigger problems. Oh and FTR your security is in danger too because maybe one of those pervs will target you too!

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