Wednesday, May 4, 2016

DOJ Say NC Bathroom Law Violates Federal Civil Rights

Lets understand this... the civil rights of alleged transgenders is being violated under the NC bathroom law BUT NOT the civil PRIVACY rights, as spelled out in the the Bill of Rights, is being violated for little girls and women who are using the same restroom as men who claim they are trans but do not live the lifestyle? Do I have that right DOJ?

Please in explicit detail list how alleged transgenders (NOT the Caitlyn Jenners or Chaz Bono's of the world) who do not live the life have rights but not those they will impose on! [This should be good]

Once again we have another example of how insane this country has become where the needs of the one or the few outweigh the needs of many. The fact that we already have perverts stalking women and following them into bathrooms is more than enough evidence this liberal progressive restroom open door policy will lead to chaos and someone seriously getting beaten within an inch of their life. WHEN that happens I hope those responsible for the insanity get sued and thrown in jail.

US government: North Carolina LGBT law violates civil rights
By Emery P Dalesio | AP
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina law limiting protections to LGBT people violates federal civil rights protections and can't be enforced, the U.S. Justice Department said Wednesday, putting the state on notice that it is in danger of being sued and losing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding.

The law, which also requires transgender people to use public bathrooms that conform to the sex on their birth certificate, has been broadly condemned by gay-rights groups, businesses and entertainers, some of whom have relocated offices or canceled shows in the state. Several other states have proposed similar laws limiting LGBT protections in recent months.

In a letter to Gov. Pat McCrory, the Justice Department said federal officials view the state law as violating federal Civil Rights Act protections barring workplace discrimination based on more

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