Thursday, December 29, 2016

Conway Pounces on CNN Anchor Over Her Russian Conspiracy TheoriesConway Pounces on CNN Anchor Over Her Russian Conspiracy Theories

This nonsense that Russia hacked the election and influenced voters has to stop. Talk about fake news being pushed, this is all the obama stream networks are talking about. There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that Russia influenced the election or hacked voting machines yet the crap media continues with this bs. Furthermore it's insulting to voters and disenfranchises the genuine anger they had with this govt and how bad of a candidate Hillary Clinton was.

Podesta's emails being leaked did not make fly-over states come out and vote for Trump. A poor economy, lack of jobs, skyrocketing healthcare, terrorism on US soil, political correctness being rammed down our throats for a solid 8 years and so on are why Donald Trump was elected. The CRAP media pushing these Russian conspiracy theories are in fact just another example as to why Clinton lost as well! These people are so high and mighty they think they can create a boogie man to make excuses why their candidate lost expecting us to believe it if they tell it long enough!

The 5th column-msm needs to be knocked on their ass and put in their place. FTR we know the Russians are still the bad guys, but you idgets in the msm are giving them a run for the money for the title!

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