The country's number one racist, Al Sharpton, is promising a "season of disobedience" as he organizes protests and marches around MLK holiday and Sen Sessions confirmation for Atty Gen. Sharpton and his ilk have but one goal, intimidate leaders to give in to their demands or else. That is how it always goes with these communist revolutionaries and for the record over the last few years they have demonstrated repeatedly they cannot control themselves by burning down Ferguson and Baltimore while trashing numerous cities across America. The hate they have for Sen Sessions is in effect the hate they have for Trump. Shortly after the election Sharpton also warned Trump to ‘saddle up’ and prepare for ‘fight of his life’.
Does anyone believe after this contentious election and the hate that continues for Trump, not only from political hacks like Sharpton but even Hollywood throwing gasoline on this fire, anything will be civil? Look at how these whiny crybaby snowflakes carried on after the election, they've had weeks to re-energize and organize for the coming inauguration. This tax dodger can preach civility all he wants, in reality violence always follows, because the worst of the worst are the ones answering his and the RevComs "calls to arms".
Go ahead march, protest National Action Network, RevCom, BLM etc, when a spark is lit by your drones who cannot control themselves, myself and countless Americans look forward to seeing these radicals of yours being will be dealt with by law enforcement!
Sharpton Promises ‘Season of Civil Disobedience’ in Response to Sessions Nomination
by Nick Ballasy | PJM
WASHINGTON -- National Action Network president Rev. Al Sharpton promised a “season of civil disobedience” in reaction to the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) for attorney general in the Trump administration.
Sharpton, an MSNBC host, said activists have planned a march in Washington on Jan. 14 during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend to protest the Sessions nomination. Sharpton recalled spending 90 days in jail for protesting on U.S. Navy land against military exercises on the island of Vieques in 2001 when George W. Bush was president, adding that civil disobedience usually works because it changes policy.
“We’re not just doing this to be doing it. We do it because it can lead to change and, believe me, there will be a season of civil disobedience particularly around the Sessions nomination,” he said Friday on a conference call with other civil rights organizations’ leaders such as Cornell William Brooks, president and CEO of the NAACP, and Janet Murguia, president and CEO of the National Council of La Raza....
.... “Make them understand that if they think they are voting based on some courtesy of a Senate colleague and will not face a real backlash in their own states, then they have another thing coming. This is not going to be some regular ceremonial procedure that they’re going to be able to bluff their way through,” he said.
“We intend to make this a critical stand in terms of where people are with civil rights and voting rights in this country. No one will be given a pass to say ‘I had to vote for my colleague.’ This is an affront to everything the civil rights and voting rights community has stood for historically and a vote for Sessions should be held accountable and punishable by the voters,” he added...more
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