Monday, August 21, 2017

Dem Congressman Ellison Reveals Pelosi’s True Intentions on Single Payer

Is this really a big surprise that Ellison revealed? It's common knowledge democrats end goal since obamacare was designed (to fail) that single payer is the end goal. Obama said it when he was campaigning in 2008...

The big deal with this clip is the fact that Pelosi is saying no to supporters, lying to them, only to eventually screw them and the rest of us over.

The other "big deal" with this clip is that Ellison apparently didn't want people recording him. Why? What is he telling supporters that he doesn't want it filmed?

This just goes to show how deceptive the party of slavery has become. Democrats want single payer healthcare because they want govt controlling our lives. Problem is we have examples of it right now that prove it's a complete failure from the treatment of veterans at the VA to Charlie Gard. Yes, Gard was not American but govt controlled healthcare is govt controlled healthcare. We don't want it, we never asked for it, let the free market solve the problem like these guys are doing...

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