Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Watch Trump Tell Russert in 1999 How He Would Deal With Nuclear North Korea

Oct 24, 1999 Donald Trump sat down with Tim Russert (a REAL journalist) on Meet the Press to talk about a number of issues including the threat of a nuclear North Korea.

Yes, back then he said he would consider a preemptive strike, BUT that's after negotiating "like crazy" to "get the best deal possible", and he made it clear he would not use nuclear weapons in a strike.

Trump saw the coming threat pointing out it would be better to strike sooner than later when NK would have actual weapons pointed at the US!! When Russert challenged him over the potential nuclear fallout from hitting NK nuclear sites with conventional weapons Trump made a great point, "Do you want to do it [strike] in five years when they have warheads all over the place, every one of them pointing to New York City, to Washington and every one of our... is that when you want to do it, or do you want to do something now? You better do it now and if they think you're serious.... they'll negotiate it'll never come to that."

Who would have thought the very situation Trump warned/ was concerned about would actually be happening today with him as President!

Very important: It seems the Left is again embracing the constitution with many, like Rep Ted LIEu, ranting POTUS cannot go to war with NK without Congressional approval. That is true for the most part, just one problem in this case. The Korean War NEVER ENDED! There has been a cease fire since 1953, Trump doesn't need anyone's permission to take action to defend America and our interests.

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