Monday, March 26, 2018

Candidate for Sheriff in NC is Strong Supporter of Leftist Gun Control Policies 📺

R. Daryl Fisher, a candidate for Sheriff in Buncombe county, NC was speaking to a group on the issue of gun control, breaking down policies he's in favor of and willing to enforce if elected. The list he goes through sounds like it came right from a Bloomberg/ Soros funded gun control group... and it did because this was at a monthly Moms Demand Action meeting on March 7th.

Now first things first, there is a deceptive 32 second clip, that has practically gone viral, taking Fisher's words out of context. The comments/ headline suggests he's in favor of killing people to take their guns if they didn't surrender them should a gun ban become law or gun confiscation is ordered. This is categorically untrue, here's what he said:

"Well I'm gonna tell you now don't buy into the scare tactics, don't believe the scare tactics because you've heard people say 'you'll have to pry my guns for my cold dead hands' .. Ok, when you pass away we'll come get it. I dunno I'm just saying.. Joking, just a little there.

Now the government cannot take a firearm that was legally purchased.  Based on the laws today, if somebody purchases the firearm legally, if we were able to pass a law tomorrow banning that firearm or banning that high capacity magazine, or banning mechanisms there is case law that states we cannot enforce what happened yesterday on a law passed today. That's called an ex post facto law, it's unconstitutional."

With that out of the way here are the Leftist gun control policies Fisher supports:

- Age to purchase any firearm raised to 21
    There is no data supporting this move many localities, states and businesses are adopting. The majority of mass shootings have been executed by those 21 and over, with the exception of the Parkland shooting; which was easily preventable had the system many want to give more power to simply acted. If politicians want to go this route fine, but that also means the age to vote, register for the draft/ enlist in the military, age of consent/ adulthood MUST be raised to 21 too!

- Ban all "high capacity" magazines in handguns and long-guns
    What is "high capacity"? Who determined 10 is enough for one to defend themselves? Some small caliber weapons allow 12-15+ rounds fit into a grip sized magazine. Hollywood has created the illusion all it takes is one shot in a gunfight, followed by people being thrown back through doors, glass or plaster walls after being shot. Doesn't work that way. As the Left loves to point out following police shootings, it takes many shots sometimes to bring someone down. Also not everyone under stress and their adrenaline pumping at a high levels are perfect shots. Our troops are proof of that, using many round in gunfights overseas!

- Banning the sale of ANY mechanism that will allow a weapon to fire in succession
    This is by far one of the most deceptive and dangerous talking points being thrown around. It's intended public target is the evil bump stock, but as Fisher at least admits that ALL gun control activists leave out is this can more or less include just about ANYTHING. Who determines acceptable fire rate? What is too fast? And after they ban the devices what will they do about ones own finger!? Bump firing can be accomplished with just about anything including a belt-loop.. will that be banned as it would be a device/ mechanism that increases the rate of fire in conjunction with ones finder!!? A semi-automatic gun will fire as fast as the trigger can be pulled. This provision would not only target those evil black ArmaLite rifles [see "**FYI"] but also semi-auto shotguns and handguns!! If they ban the semi-autos they might as well ban revolvers too, here's why!

- While he apparently supports concealed carry and ensuring people are properly trained he wants to see the issuance be yearly vs every 5 years!?
    This would cause a backlog in applications and the process, not surprising it will result in a nice revenue stream for the county but in fact a "TAX" to law-abiding gun owners. You can be sure the standards for the issuing of permits will be much harder. In CA it's next to impossible to get a concealed carry permit because the Sheriffs decide, and ones cause for self protection especially those who have had actual threats to their lives have been denied!

- "Any weapon that's designed for use by the military"
    Wow could he be any more vague? All guns can be used by the military, but Fisher is most likely talking about the ArmaLite rifle. To be clear this weapon is inferior and would not be used by the military. The US Army in fact made requests for changes to be made to the weapon when it was presented to them. It is how the M-16 came about, to what is now most commonly used today, the M4. The ArmaLite rifle will fail under sustained fire in 3-5 minutes, yet because it looks like a military weapon Leftists want it banned.

- When asked about Australian style gun buy back [it was mandatory aka confiscation] Fisher said he wants to institute gun buyback programs.
    This sounds reasonable but, where is he getting the money to do this? Maybe they'll use money seized from drug crimes (asset forfeiture) but we know what will happen, no doubt the taxpayer will be expected to foot the bill for said program. This is typical of Leftists, they want to do everything to make the world great, they just don't have the money to do it. Don't worry they love taxing people, or maybe residents Buncombe Cty might find themselves paying large fines often for the most minor offenses, like going 26 in a 25 Mph zone! This is a tactic many communities use to raise money, police are out in force, at every corner picking people off for the dumbest things.

This is not the ideal candidate Americans want to enforcing the law, especially one supported by a radical Leftist group like Moms Demands, backed by Bloomberg. Law enforcement officials know they can't be everywhere at once, people are in fact first responders, yet Fisher more or less systematically wants to see citizens disarmed. Those mechanism bans he talks about should scare the hell out of people too. Democrats never go small, and keep in mind Parkland student Delaney Tarr made it clear what Leftists true intentions are for gun control.

"When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.."

This is today's Left. They want 100% compliance and submission to their policies or else. If you do not agree with them, oppose them in any way as Kurt Schlichter says "they HATE you, want you enslaved if not dead".  Want to avoid a lawman like this? Vote conservative and let these vids be just one more reason, if you haven't already, to buy guns and ammo.

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