Monday, March 26, 2018

March For Our Lives Protesters Say Ban Assault Weapons… Whatever They Are 📺

If you're going to participate in a protest, rally or march, carry around signs and use repeated talking points you should know what you're talking about. That simple logic of course was non-existent at the Soros/ Bloomberg funded (it's a fact don't even try denying it) gun control rally.

Not one attendee interviewed in this video knows what an "assault weapon" is, yet they all want to see these mysterious devices, the ATF cannot define, banned. These people get their talking points from their Leftist handlers (all practically said the same thing verbatim about the Constitution being outdated) who most definitely don't know, and actually become enraged when you challenge their knowledge on the issue, only to deflect calling you every name in the book, you have blood on your hands and want kids dead.

While not brought up here, you can be sure all these people would also be just as clueless if they were asked why they don't complain about guns being present to protect their money and stuff, places they regularly go to yet want schools left defenseless.

These people want to cede power of protection to the govt. The same govt that failed to protect them, that has been condemned for having too much power and violates rights. Leftists oppose a tyrannical govt. especially under this President, yet want them to have all the weapons because we're not smart enough to be entrusted being armed. The Left's hypocrisy has no limits, they will always surprise us flipping on issues when it suits them.

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