Sunday, May 6, 2018

Gun Grabber Alyssa Milano BUSTED! Her Personal Bodyguard Was ARMED 📺

Gun grabber HYPOCRITE extraordinaire, Alyssa Milano got called out earlier today by an NRA member at her protest over having armed guards present. She took to twitter saying emphatically her bodyguard was not armed

Well they say a picture is worth a thousand words, what is video worth?

Hey Alyssa it looked pretty warm out today for a guy to be dressed in black wearing a jacket if he isn't armed! So what is on his hip under that jacket that perfectly matches the shape of a semi-auto handgun? An old mobile phone ("Brick), or walkie-talkie, or tools?! Oh I know, he has medical issues and it's a drug pump of some sort right?

Here's the deal you washed up hack, until you remove the tall walls/ fences, hi-tech security systems, armed security and personal bodyguards protecting your home and self you have no say over Americans Second Amendment rights or what types of weapons we can or can't have.

For the record Alyssa the Secret Service always restricts weapons around the President, stop misleading people that the "ban" at the NRA convention was because attendees are dangerous. If I'm wrong then by all means prove attend a Presidential event carrying a weapon and let us kow how the works out.

By the way you're supposedly broke and owing taxes, where are you getting the money to travel around the country to protest, busing illegals around as you harass politicians with monster bodyguards in tow?! I bet the IRS would like to know too!

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