Monday, May 7, 2018

Maxine Waters Rails and Curses Against Pres Trump Speaking to Union 📺

Unions are a creation of marxist-socialist-communists, their purpose in the modern world is no longer needed. They have become political advocacy and money making machines taking from workers to give to the bosses and corrupt politicians like Maxine Waters. [Where do you think she got the money for her $4.3M home (in district she doesn't represent) working on govt salary for over 25 years!?]

This rant by Waters is nothing new, we know she is vile, looking for any opportunity to attack POTUS. Damning him only tells hard working Americans, not under the Unions boot, he is doing right. The economy is doing better, no thanks to the damage obama did being a lackey for the unions, but has a lot further to go as millions of Americans remain unemployed. Maxine isn't helping to change that by pandering to organizations like this who make it harder for workers. The demands unions put on companies makes it harder for them to compete and be profitable. They are in fact causing more people to be out of work especially when they demand higher wages for low-skilled work. Waters knows this but doesn't care, she wants power and control and will tell these organizations whatever they want to hear to get the large donations and votes.

The only person who should be damned is Waters.

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