Thursday, May 17, 2018

Joe diGenova's Message for John Brennan: He Needs Good Lawyer For Grand Jury! 📺 🔊

Today is the one year anniversary of the Mueller probe witch hunt against Pres Trump. Fmr federal prosecutor Joe diGenova weighed in over how preposterous it has become. What we have learned is Trump and his campaign have done nothing wrong. The DOJ/ FBI and countless individuals involved are / were in fact engaged in a soft coup to remove Donald Trump from office. Rules, policies and procedure have been violated, the intelligence agencies are corrupt acting above the law.

While we wait for the Inspector General report to be released diGenova also pointed out what should be a bombshell or two will be dropped that will surely ruin the democrats hope for removing Trump from office stating criminal referrals have already been made! One person in particular diGenova had a message for was soft coup conspirator and loud mouth (who likes to threaten POTUS) fmr CIA Dir John Brennan, "I suggest that Mr Brennan, who loves to make comment about the process, get himself a good lawyer not a good writer!" And Brennan won't need just any lawyer, but a criminal lawyer for when he gets in front of a grand jury!

America don't get your hopes up too high for this IG report. The DOJ has their dirty hands on it right now, which means they will redact the hell out of it, not because of sensitive material but to protect those involved. We'll see a few patsies, Brennan apparently will be one, and probably some other low level obama loyalists to take the fall. Keep in mind Jeff Sessions is still AG, he has done nothing to end this witch hunt, as his "boss" Rod Rosenstein is calling all the shots. What we really need is for someone with a shred of honor left running in their veins to leak redacted material that protects the people pulling the strings.

Anyway hope these clip of diGenova put a smile on your face as it did his.

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