Friday, February 15, 2019

Angel Moms Confront Jim Acosta After Trump Put Him in His Place

Political Activist FAKE NEWS propagator Jim Acosta had his bluff called today during Pres Trump's Rose Garden address announcing his National Emergency declaration to build the border wall. Acosta questioned POTUS whether the crisis was "concocted" where Trump took him to task telling him to ask the Angel Moms (he trivialized before the presser saying their children were "allegedly" killed by undocumented immigrants) if their dead children were fake!

After the presser ended the Angel Moms surrounded and confronted Acosta and most likely made it clear their dead children are not fake. Their children were in fact killed by illegal aliens, or as Acosta likes to call them undocumented immigrants*.

After trivializing the deaths before the presser in vid above, the hack had the audacity to be sympathetic to the Moms!

Surprisingly, Fake News Jim had the balls to put one on air where she made it clear Pres Trump is right supporting his plan to improve border security.

The media does not care about those who fall victim to their precious undocumented immigrants. They are complicit with the democrat party to do everything possible to see this country is overran with illegals, turning it into one giant California under one party rule.

*There is no such thing as an undocumented immigrant. using such language suggests said individual(s) have legal status to be in the US but their papers are lost, tied up in red-tape or the dog ate them. These people are ILLEGAL ALIENS, they have no right to be in America and anyone sing this PC language is aiding in their criminality.

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