Monday, February 18, 2019

Nathan Philips Pushes Camera Away and Runs From Reporter

Nathan Philips, the BULLY of Covington Catholic boys who was proven to be a liar over his military service, apparently doesn't like a camera in his face and being held accountable.  Matthew Perdie, a filmmaker for Breitbart, approached Philips at a Trump protest to ask why he approached the Covington students, getting in Nick Sandmann's face (that's okay in his world), where Philips proceeded to push the camera (a simple assault?) and run.

Like clockwork a leftist stepped in to defend the race-baiting hustler claiming nothing happened, Philips never touched his camera! This is what they do they lie, tell you things that physically happened to you literally caught on film didn't happen.

Philips didn't learn his lesson, he's still out there preaching his racist nonsense when HE is the one being the racist and antagonizer. Keep putting cameras in their faces it's the weapon normal people have to shut the left down.

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