In the wake of the New Zealand terror attack where they have acted out of emotion vs logic to ban all semiautomatic weapons, especially those deemed "military style".
To put it correctly, they banned semi-auto firearms — they defined “assault weapons” as anything with a detachable mag and capable of holding more than 5 rounds, essentially all semi auto — and enacted confiscation.— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 21, 2019
What's a "military style assault weapon"? Leftists cannot answer this question because it doesn't exist. They made it up to scare people, and frankly all weapons are military weapons.
Democrats in the US like Sen Sanders are of course applauding New Zealand, calling for the same actions in the US.
This is what real action to stop gun violence looks like. We must follow New Zealand's lead, take on the NRA and ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons in the United States.— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 21, 2019
Month after month, for years, decades really, democrats have been ranting and raving how all the guns in America needs to be taken away from civilians. Dems, you want the guns gone? Then Y O U come and take them from law-abiding gun owners - YOU DO IT! Do not pass an unconstitutional law where others are tasked with doing your dirty work of door to door confiscation. Any democrat, leftist, progressive or whatever in the hell you people are calling yourselves this week, who is anti-gun and wants the guns gone should be the ones doing the taking!
Yes, I'm saying everyone from politicians like Sen Sanders, Feinstein, Moms Demand's Shannon Watts to the local activist, be the ones to go door-to-door taking weapons from law-abiding Americans. NO this is not absurd, they're the ones who want them, they should be the ones to take them vs law enforcement or military being tasked with the job!
In country after country, massacres are followed by sweeping changes to gun laws, as logic would dictate. The United States needs to follow these examples and take action to protect Americans from this deadly public health scourge.— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) March 21, 2019
New Zealand’s willingness to act swiftly after a national shooting tragedy stands in stark contrast to the US. For too long, a powerful gun lobby persuaded some lawmakers to stop laws proven to protect people from gun violence. But their power is waning, and Americans are acting.— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) March 21, 2019
BREAKING: Just 6 days after a tragic mass shooting, #NewZealand announced a ban on:— Brady (@bradybuzz) March 21, 2019
🔴 Assault rifles
🔴 Military-style semi-automatic weapons
🔴 High capacity magazines
THIS IS LEADERSHIP. It's in our hands to end gun violence. #TakeActionNotSides
If by some act of God the left gains a super majority again and actually enacts a gun confiscation they will have a fight on their hands the likes of which has never been seen in this country, not even during the Civil War where 500K died. And no lefties that's not a threat, nor coded language, it's a fact. There are close to 400,000,000 guns in the US in the hands of 100-200M LAW ABIDING gun owners along with billions, if not trillions, of rounds of ammunition. Please leftists do tell how you plan on disarming 100-200M well armed Americans??
The Constitution upholds/ reaffirms God-given/ Natural Rights no one can take away. The very existence of the Second Amendment is in direct response to the knee-jerk reactions and stupid, uneducated people calling to disarm civilians.
One more thing, the people who want guns gone are threatening those with them to give them up or they'll come after us with their guns to take our guns!! Do you people ever listen to yourselves? You violent hypocrites. You gun grabbers are beyond mental, extremely dangerous and tyrannical just as the Founders feared thus the existence of 2A!
You want our guns? Come and take them.
MOLON LABE, Si Vis Pacem Parabellum
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