Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Illegal Aliens Spreading Infectious Diseases in US

Measels, Chagas (vis "Kissing Bug"), Mumps, respiratory infections, TB, HIV/AIDs, STD's, lice, Chicken Pox, skin infections and other infectious diseases not seen in the US are all on the rise. There are many reasons for some, but one reason for the spike in these contagions cannot be ignored, the influx of illegal aliens.

Migrant Caravan Trying to Enter US Poses Serious Health Threat to Americans

Second Opinion, Doctor Warns Illegal Alien Kids Are Bringing Diseases Into the US

We can talk national security on issues of criminals, sex offenders, drugs, weapons, terrorists(!), but there is also a public health threat. The democrats are adamant illegals should be allowed to enter the US with no vetting or background checks of any kind, just let them. They don't seem to care these people are coming from parts of the world where people are not being vaccinated, nor receiving proper medial care. Let's be honest no one is crossing the border with their complete medical and immunization records. This should scare the hell out of everyone democrat, republican, liberal and conservative, media, everyone. But no, let them in to hell with the consequences. Maybe when we get hit with a major pandemic the open border fools will get the hint? Then again maybe not because they'll be sick and dying with the rest of us! Hey at least their precious illegals are here though, right?

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