Fmr US Prosecutor Joe diGenova and his wife Victoria Toensing appeared on The Hill TV, with Buck Sexton and Krystal Ball, to discuss what else the Mueller Report. Ball pushed whether or not a sitting President can be indicted questioning AG Bill Barr integrity suggesting he was lying between what was said in the Mueller DOSSIER vs what was said in his press conference. That was enough for diGenova who proceeded to rip into Ball for more or less calling Barr, someone he has known for over 30 years, a liar. Take note during the exchange she does what every progressive does, sits there with a big smile and then denying what we all heard.
This is what the radical left does, they take peoples words out of context, or leave things out, to in fact create a lie to be told over and over again until it becomes "true" on ANYTHING. Bill Barr is doing his job and the Left is upset it's not producing the end result they wanted, ie Trump's impeachment.
This entire witch hunt is bringing the worst out of the democrats who are clearly pushing conservatives red button. diGenova's response is justified and really the kind of response we're all having over how out of control these Clinton/obama loyalists have become. They're willfully taking this country to the brink thinking they'll be standing tall when the dust settles. That's not going to happen, and people better buckle up!
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