Monday, May 20, 2019

GOP Rep Calling for Trump Impeachment Has Business Ties in China

GOP Rep Justin Amash came out of nowhere praising the Mueller Dossier, attacking Pres Trump on claims of obstruction calling for him to be impeached. Amash's Twitter rant looked like something written by the DNC proving once again this man is no republican, nor a conservative and a questionable "libertarian".

Why did Amash come out against Trump now, weeks after the Mueller Dossier was released? What's happened since then? Trump has engaged China in what many call a trade war with China, implementing tariffs. So what? Well if you have business ties in China you care, and Amash has personal business interests...

So there you have it, everything you need to know what is motivating this RINO to go against Trump. And BTW, this story by OAN is what news is unlike the trash we get from ALL the networks including Fox News!

For BRIEF moment Amash was considered a potential GOP star, but he showed his true colors in 2017 when he was the ONLY repub to vote with the democrats against Kate's Law! He should've been primaried and removed from office in 2018, but maybe after this recent stunt he will be out in 2020.

There is no space in the GOP for backstabbers like Amash anymore. DC as a whole is a mess, Trump is doing what he can to clean things up but it is on the People to send him reinforcements he needs in Congress to get things done. Amash, Romney and many other RINO's within GOP need to go.

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