Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dem Congresswoman Wants the UN to Monitor the 2020 Elections

Rep Barbara Lee fielded a question about voter suppression(?) at She The People 2020 that the right wing is trying to marginalize those who would vote for the progressive agenda. She stressed the need to ensure voter ID laws are not enacted and "personally want to ask the UN to come in" to monitor American elections.

The UN has no legal authority to monitor US elections, Americans do not want anything to do with this useless world body. Let's assume they were honest and did monitor our elections, they would uncover rampant election fraud committed by the democrats anyway. But we live in reality where it's safe to assume, voter fraud would be far worse if this organization was involved.

Why does Lee want to stop voter ID laws? It has nothing to do with voter suppression or racism, it has to do with stopping people vote multiple times as well as stopping illegals from voting that the democrat party relies on.

Lee and her race hustling ilk don't have a problem with an ID being required to:
buy or rent a car
drive a car
buy or rent a home
get utilities
rent a PO Box
take out a loan
open a bank account
buy alcohol and tobacco products
gamble in a casino
get into a club or bar
get on a plane
buy a gun (hell they want intrusive background checks)
cash a check
pay by check or credit card
enter a gated community/ condos or the like
get medical care
buy insurance
applying for govt/ social assistance (food stamps to Social Security etc)
get a hotel/ motel room
get public housing
get a passport

....the list is endless. How can one be suppressed for providing ID to vote but not when it comes to providing ID to buy booze or get govt assistance??

Voter suppression is a myth created by the Left to steal elections.

If the UN steps foot to on US soil to monitor ;) our elections, especially when democrats are desperate to win don't be surprised if Americans revolt. The People will never allow this organization to operate on US soil... it would get quite messy and we'll leave it there.

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