Tuesday, December 17, 2019

As the democrats prepare their partisan impeachment vote against Pres Trump, House Speaker AOC was quite comfortable telling supporters the GOP is authoritarian! Delusions of grandeur and people with superiority complexes runs wild in the hypocritical democrat party.

For those not keeping score, the dems are the ones telling us what we can eat, read, watch, say, how to power our homes, businesses and vehicles, what our kids will learn and who to vote for. They're so upset over the voting issue, YOU DEFIED them, they're trying to impeach and remove Pres Trump from office since before he was elected. They are the ones who are authoritarian.. quite fascist and tyrannical really!

The question people need to be asking themselves is what we should do about them when this impeachment nonsense is over? The dems will no doubt start another attack against POTUS to stop him from reelection, so what should be the response of the American people now? The dems must be educated they cannot keep doing this, because as of now they're never going to stop. They've faced no consequences for framing Trump and their coup. They will continue this circus in his second term unless the people take action against them BESIDES a punishing electoral loss.

These people need to be publicly shamed and shunned, those who have businesses need to suffer massive financial loss by being paralyzed through isolation, surrounded and maybe introduce a little anarchy within their own ranks!

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