Friday, December 13, 2019

Rep. Raskin: Trump May Have Committed 'Multiple Crimes' and Could Be Prosecuted Later

Rep Jaime Raskin speculates Pres Trump has committed "multiple crimes" that he and his party could prosecute him on "later". It's quite infuriating to hear dems talk about upholding the Constitution while they pervert and dismantle it at every opportunity as they've done to date. They talk about their allegiance to the Constitution and the rule of law while they:
- deny Trump his due process
- create laws/ crimes out of thin air (ie charging Trump with Abuse of Power, and Obstruction of Congress)
- want to disarm each and every American
- want to eliminate the Electoral College name a few.

There is no basis for what Raskin claims is the Framers intentions on when/ how to charge the President with impeachment. He literally made that up to leave the door open for the democrat confederacy to go after Trump again. And take note he admits Trump has committed no crimes, unlike Clinton WHO LIED to a Grand Jury and Nixon who was not impeached but involved in a cover-up (not going to breakdown Watergate her, do your own homework). In this clip he is supporting Reps Green and Bass' statements that there is no limit to the number of times they can impeach Trump. This is also an admission they have nothing on Trump and that this attempt to impeach him will fail!

The confederate democrats are never going to stop attacking Trump to find an angle to remove him from office. They are in fact guilty of abuse of power and will challenge the 2020 elections results, should Trump win a second term. They will attempt to impeach him again, but you can stop that from happening by voting next year and making sure likeminded people, who are tired of the dems games, around you vote too.

The dems must be dealt an ELECTORAL extermination and stopped from ever holding power again in this country.

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