Debbie Wasserman Schultz must be feeling withdrawal from not being on the air all the time like she used to. Being a back-bencher to other high profile dems who were probably not available due to the holidays the media called on DWS to weigh in on the Iranian monster who got vaporized. Like the divider and liar she's been, DWS thinks the only reason Pres Trump ordered the strike on Soleimani was over new emails surfacing she claims an act of a cover up to keep attention off of the impeachment inquiry.
Taking out Soleimani is no Wag the Dog and these emails will do nothing for dems coup d'état. Just listen to her, you can tell she memorized everything she just spewed as she jumbled it all up! We're not even going to talk about Ukraine other than to say this claim of withholding arms is an outright lie AND Trump has every right to withhold them anyway. The dems didn't care about the UKR's security when obama sent them blankets instead of anti-tank weapons, now all of a sudden they care. What a joke and so is DWS.... look at her!
Trump took Soleimani out because he was responsible for 1000's of deaths. Ignore what was done during the wars, the iranian militias acting in Iraq at his direction attacked a US base where 1 American was killed and then the Embassy. This was payback for that after the SOB's taunted Trump that he wouldn't do anything! They want to fight they'll get one, it won't be what they think but you can be sure this hot mess will be right there with fellow dems siding with the enemy!
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