Saturday, May 16, 2020

0bama Goes on Carefully Crafted Racist Tirade and Blames Trump For Pandemic

barack milhous benito obama while no longer in power continues with his divisive rhetoric attacking Pres Trump for the pandemic in a commencement speech that aired for graduates from 78 historically black colleges and universities. This guy never misses a beat blaming others, and getting his licks against his enemies while taking advantage of any opportunity to brainwash America's youth at countless indoctrination camps aka colleges and universities, including those literally graduating.

Darth hussein the race hustler carries on that black Americans are getting sick and dying from the China virus at a higher rate than others suggesting something nefarious is going on, taking a shot at Trump without naming him,

“More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing. A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge.”

Make no mistake if this clown was president when this pandemic hit, MILLIONS would be dead over his lack of action. He would have NEVER closed travel from China and then Europe to the US. HE would've been at Pelosi's pep rally in Chinatown, standing side-by-side with the NYC health commissioner, and going on all the tv shows saying nothing to worry about. Instead of people going back to normal life now they would be planning funerals for loved ones. We know this to be true over how he handled swine flu.

Commencement speeches are supposed to be uplifting and encouraging, not spew lies, point fingers of blame and then encourage people to make radical changes. Not supposing the fmr self-avowed imperial emperor left out the part how his regime used up all the medical supplies dealing with the swine flu and the ebola outbreak and never restoring them or making the necessary preparations for another pandemic.

Let's be clear about something his being lazy would've screwed Hillary over had she been elected. No one but this site seems to point that out. Forget who is in the White House right now, this clown didn't care about what was coming down the road after two clear scares!

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