Sunday, May 17, 2020

de Blasio Claims Sanctuary City Policy is Legal - Here Are the FEDERAL LAWS Being Violated

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared on ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ and got taken to the woodshed by Maria Bartiromo over his poor management of the city. As you would expect he made plenty of excuses for the economic troubles the city is experiencing where he is seeking pandemic stimulus relied and when questioned on being a sanctuary city he claimed the law is on his side....

"We follow the rule of law in this city and we respect the fact that there is a half-a-million people here who happen to be undocumented. And the US Supreme Court said, in 2012, that the federal government does not have in a federal system that respects states and localities, does not have the ability because of its own policy preferences to penalize cities that are trying to provide security and safety. You know the funding that Pres Trump originally threatened for the city it was for the NYPD for our anti-terrorism efforts. So we’re going to stick with our policies that the Constitution protects. And we’re going to serve our people and create a place that is safe for everyone... To keep a city safe, that happens to have hundreds of thousands of undocumented folks, we're not going to ask document status[?]"

WTF is "document status"? Either you have a legal right to be in the US or you don't. This is all word salad from a man who implemented a policy that violates, right off the top, 3 FEDERAL immigration laws while he deflects calling for comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty.

8 US Code § 1324 Bringing Harboring Illegal Aliens
8 U.S. Code § 1324

8 US Code § 1327 Aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter
US Code 8 1327 Aiding aliens

For the illegals working in NYC, some most likely employed by the city de Blasio is in violation of 8 US Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens

Warren Wilhelm Jr will go down as one of the worst mayors of NYC. He is lazy, irresponsible, and incompetent now seeking govt aid for poor mismanagement while violating federal immigration laws.

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