Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Audio Released of Biden Talking With fmr Ukraine Pres About Firing Prosecutor Investigating His Son

An online conference https://youtu.be/V0FBssBoPZQ of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Derkach on the topic "New facts of international corruption and foreign governance of Ukraine" will start on Tuesday, May 19, at 12.30 in the press center of the Interfax-Ukraine news agency

The Left's response to this audio between then VP Joe Biden and fmr Ukraine Pres Poroshenko that was released during a Ukraine press conf, by the People's Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Derkach, should be quite entertaining. They will either dismiss Biden's clear quid pro quo act to have Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin fired in order to get $1B in US aid or spin it as nothing to see here, move along, just more right-wing conspiracy theory. Either way it doesn't look good for Joe because Shokin is the same prosecutor who was investigating his hot mess of a son, Hunter Biden.

When Poroshenko tells Biden he asked for Shokin's resignation and got it in writing an hour later Biden responded "Great".
Later in the audio the two are discussing the $1B in aid....
...and Biden doesn't want to leave a money trail for Trump giving "Poroshenko advice to nationalize Privatbank as soon as possible, until Trump, who won the election, came to power."~CDMedia

Tell us again democrats and media propagandists how wonderful and Joe Biden is for America. He truly is the, if not in the top 3,of most corrupt politicians in US history.

This is far more of an example of a quid pro quo than the dems ever had on Trump, which for the record that led to impeachment FAILED miserably. This is what's surfacing now, imagine if Joe in fact got elected this would lead to his impeachment. That said Biden if elected will not serve out his first term either by way of impeachment or resignation due to health issues. So whomever he chooses for his VP running mate is the de facto democrat party presidential candidate!

We can avoid this completely by making sure Donald Trump is elected no matter what happens between now and Nov 3rd. If that means you have to crawl through broken glass over dead coronavirus bodies while dodging the Thought Police then so be it!

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