Nancy Pelosi and the democrat party as a whole is giving Joe Biden a pass over the allegations made against him by Tara Reade. Pelosi doesn't even want to discuss the matter saying it's a "closed issue." No calls for an investigation or job interview as many dems put it during the Kavanuagh fiasco. No, they just dismiss her allegations which are far stronger than Blasey-Ford ever had. Pelosi continues her support for Biden because of his politics and "Joe Biden is Joe", a sexual predator from the looks of videos over the years.
Biden's politics are the radical democrat machine's politics, which is a takeover of America to in fact finish the country off as obama set out to do fulfilling his promise of fundamental transformation. They know he's dirty but don't care, they want their dementia suffering puppet elected so whomever he chooses as VP (with their help) will takeover before the end of Joe's first term IF he gets elected.
182 days you can send a clear message to this monster and her party you've had enough of them. Or you can sit home making excuses or being afraid to come out because of some flu everyone will get and survive allowing Biden, Nancy, Schumer and the rest to officially take over making this lockdown life permanent!
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