Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Schiff: Coronavirus Casualties Are Casualties Of Failed Impeachment, Worse Than 9/11

Adam Schiff is never going to stop insinuating the Senate GOP has blood on their hands for not impeaching and removing Pres Trump. The man is like a broken record now repeating Trump is doing more damage to the country, using the body count from the virus comparing it to 9/11 deaths.

No, Schiff has no shame. He like all Leftists are shameless as Bill Bennett said back in 2018.

How convenient for Schiff and the Left that anyone who dies as of late is being chalked up as CV related death! Don't you find it that all of sudden no one is dying from just pneumonia, heart failure or cancer, that anyone who suffers these diseases who may have CV is being reported as a CV death!?

The doctors whose press conference that was censored by YouTube, as well as an ER nurse in CA and many other healthcare workers, pointed out this "cooking of the books". That data is clearly being weaponized by the Left against Pres Trump, this clip from Schiff is just one more example of it.

There are more people dying from the flu than this virus. People die, it sucks no one is cheering for it... well except for the dems. Now you see why they are pushing so hard to keep things locked down. We can't develop natural immunity if we're isolated in our homes, people need to get out and interact thats how we've survived for THOUSANDS of years by adapting to bugs! Hell it was the closing point made in the ending of 2005 War of the Worlds!

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