Thursday, May 14, 2020

Pelosi Says Holding China Accountable For the Virus is a Diversion

Nancy Pelosi, the head democrat, says the President, or really anyone who points the finger of blame for the virus at China is diversion from the needs of the American people. Is she and the democrats incapable of walking and chewing bubble gum? Why can't we address the needs of the nation while at the same time rightfully pointing the finger of blame at China for all the bs we're going through?

Whether it's this old hag, anyone from her party, their propagandists in the media or unhinged violent Leftist supporters they need to understand China is directly responsible, they did this. Any defense of China, and that is what she's doing, especially by also saying "Diverting attention from mistakes that may have been made here", is direct support for the Communist Chinese Govt who has tried to blame the US for the bug and CHOSE to keep the lid on it while infected people in their country traveled around the world making everyone sick (mild to severe = death), including yours truly!

We can blame China and take care of American's needs Nancy, and they wouldn't have these needs if the Chinese had alerted everyone what happened in late Oct 2019!

Call people amigo excuses for China out for what they are - Communist Chinese Sympathizers.

Nancy Pelosi, Blaming China, Diversion, Mistakes Made, Communist Chinese Sympathizers

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