Thursday, August 13, 2020

Biden/ Harris Call For Nationwide Mask Mandate, Refuse to Take Questions From Press

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have given the country a glimpse into how they will run the country by calling for a nationwide mask mandate and taking no questions from reporters. In other words, they made a declaration that would force people to wear masks, provided no scientific data to support their position and walked off.

That was NOT a display of leadership it was quite authoritarian, like all dem leaders are doing around the country right now. This is what life will be like if these two are successful in Nov - directives being given circumventing the legislative process with no justification or rationale, and they will answer to no one.

If you're happy living in under lockdown rules, for a virus that is no more lethal than the seasonal flu to relatively health people, with a 99.99% survival rate, then you probably like being told what to do where to go, who you can talk and be around to begin with. By all means vote for these two, but if you value freedom, being able to make decisions for yourself and do not buy into this scamdemic then you better do everything in your power to ensure Donald Trump is re-elected.

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