Friday, August 14, 2020

Dems Excited For Biden Presidency - Will Push Him Farther Left Than Obama, Implement Big List of Policies

Democrats are salivating over the potential of a Joe Biden presidency because they know his platform is really their platform. Joe serves as nothing but a vessel to advance dems radical plans, that are far more Left than when obama's. They brag in videos like these about how they're able to push him farther Left than he was, having 'a big list' of liberal progressive policies to implement. They're not hiding their intentions or how much of a literal tool Joe is for their destructive plans for America.

Warren's comments alone should tell you how dangerous these people are that they will start laying the groundwork the day after the election, 'actually all the pieces we start putting in place at the latest starting on November 4th, the day after the win that people are lined up and they are ready to go.'

People better start taking this election seriously. The democrats are still enraged Clinton lost, stopping her from being obama's third term. Dems will undo EVERYTHING Trump accomplished. They want to go further Left than they did when 0 was in power, and Joe will gladly help them do it.

Every election we hear it's "the most important one", this time it's for real. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. The violence, unrest, tyrannical power grabs we've witnessed under the pandemic lockdown are just a teaser of what dems will do if they get the White House and both houses of Congress.

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