Friday, January 29, 2021

Cuomo Defends His Nursing Home Orders: "Who Cares" Where People Died

  NY Gov Andrew Cuomo has just taken the lead over Gavin Newsom (CA) and Gretchen Whitmer (MI) for being the WORST governor in US history. This monster's decisions have resulted in thousands DEAD and yet he passes blame on everyone else, including the elderly for being old, while also taking a page from Hillary Clinton's playbook (“At this point, what difference does it make?”) when he said "who cares" where people died!   Here's the memo that will haunt this SOB until the end of time...
It's about New Yorkers initiate a recall election like Californians are attempting. Cuomo has no business holding any political office, he and his nitwit propagandist brother are where they are because of their father, Mario Cuomo.

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