Wednesday, January 6, 2021

New Squad Member Blames GOP Electoral Challengers For Capitol Being Stormed

Cori Bush, product of Justice Democrats, is a new member of the Squad in Congress isn't wasting anytime pointing the finger of blame following the Capitol being stormed, by agitators who infiltrated the Save America rally. She drew up a resolution to have all the republicans who are standing up for Pres Trump expelled from Congress. Small tidbit you might find interesting, this communist drew this up YESTERDAY, which leaves one wondering about todays event. Who knew the US Capitol, in full attendance of elected officials including the Vice President, was so easy to breach! Get used to this kind of garbage from Bush, AOC and co going forward as we really have no one left in DC to represent Constitutional Conservatives. Most of the republicans will tuck their tails and flip like many are doing right now with the Electoral Challenge. Loeffler, Blackburn and others who pledged to fight have all done a 180°. The GOP establishment prefers being the underdog because it means lots of money come election time. They allow dems to wreck the country and then step in with promises to stop them if we would just send money to their campaigns and vote for them. Little does the GOP know, those days are over as of today - we're going to "let them die!"

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