Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Worthless House Republicans Announce They Will Vote to Impeach Trump

Worthless, spineless republicans are standing with their democrat overlords in support of impeaching Pres Trump. The backstabbers on record so far in the House are John Katko, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Chaney. Head GOP worm Kevin McCarthy said republicans were permitted a free vote, that they wouldn't be required to stick with party lines! Rep Brian Fitzpatrick, showed he is almost as spineless as the others by introducing a bill to censure the President. The Turtle Mitch McConnell is not happy with Trump and has signaled he too could very well join in via the Senate. Once again we have to thank Pres Trump for outing these spineless backstabbing SOB's. One republican after another are showing whose side they're truly on. It's no wonder Pres Trump had such difficulty getting things done for the American people with so many who claim to be servants of the people resisting his policies at every opportunity. What these people don't seem to understand is that 75-85M Americans who voted for Trump will not be voting for them in 2022. The only reason many of them got reelected, like Lindsey Graham, is because of Trump. People voted for them with the idea of a GOP majority in the House, Senate and White House. With these fools showing whose side they're really on there's no way in hell conservatives will vote for them in 2 years. The GOP, as this site spelled out, is D E A D. They're over, finished, and there's nothing they can say to win us back. We can all be sure we'll hear "this is the most important midterm election, we can win back control" reign HARRIS/biden in.... Good luck with that. You I D I O T S wanted them over Trump, NOW YOU'VE GOT 'EM. Now for a real laugh.... Liz Cheney is said to be a frontrunner in 2024! AHAHAHAHAHAHA, yea a frontrunner for the unemployment line, or to be the next full-time CNN contributor!

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