Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Reporter Slams Biden Spokesman For Taking Credit For Trump Admin’s Russia Policy

And now a lesson in real journalism presented by AP reporter Matt Lee, who called out the illegitimate regimes State Dept propagandist, Ned Price, for taking credit for the Trump admins Russia policy. Has anyone in this corrupt admin been honest about anything? The old kook lies constantly including that doozy about there being no vaccine untul he came along. The WH propagandist never gives a straight answer when she is telling the media she'll have to circle back. When these people aren't lying they're taking credit for others work. You can be sure Xiden and all his hacks expect softball interviews and Q&A sessions during pressers. It would be nice to see others in the media grow half a spine as Lee, and a few others have, to hold this illegitimate regime accountable.

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