Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Biden Says No Crisis at the Border

"No, we'll be able to handle it." "Handle" as in leaving the border wide open allowing illegals to enter the US with no resistance during what we've been told is a deadly pandemic! You see illegals can enter and move about America ignoring covid restrictions but YOU, your family, friends, businesses etc all have to be in lockdown!
Xiden has made his intentions clear numerous times he and his handlers wants as many illegals in the US, and will do everything in their power to grant them amnesty at YOUR EXPENSE. Hell the DHS Sec had a msg for the invaders to wait until the regime has everything in place for them! This is an invasion, by people who have no right to come here, they offer the people to this country ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Those "migrants" are NOT the best and brightest from Mexico, Central and South America because if they were they would be making it there. Furthermore taxpayers have been footing the bill via foreign aid to stop what is happening from happening but those countries govts who get our money are keeping it for themselves rather than building up their economies and infrastructure causing people to flee. Outside of covid, America STILL HAS an large unemployment problem as well as Americans living in poverty and homeless. So what does this socialist regime do? They invite more illegals to our country, taking every action they can to subvert our federal immigration laws. If it hasn't been clear yet I'll spell it out - the people running this country HATE YOU and care more about those entering the US illegally, because these "migrants" are clueless to what's going on here. The elites KNOW Americans have had it with both parties so they're working to build a whole new voter block to guarantee the elites permanent power. That's all this is about, turning America into a larger version of California, as this site has been warning for years - and here we are, it's happening. This move on illegal immigration is one reason troops are still in DC, the other of course is because of progressives plans to go after gun rights.

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