Friday, July 16, 2021

AOC Blames US, Not Communism’s Failures, For Protests in Cuba

Speaker of the House AOC blamed the US and the obama-biden regime for the protests in Cuba, NOT communism citing the embargo that has been in place to punish the tyrants in power.
Just listen to the dolt speak, she sounds like a child giving a presentation thrown together at the last second. These Leftists have proven time and again they'll bend over backwards to blame America for the world's problems, yet THEY ARE ALL STAYING HERE vs moving to these shitholes they praise!
The Cuban people are not rising up because of covid or any other excuse. Covid, the lockdown, all the restrictions and power it gave the communist tyrants, pushed these people, already oppressed to the edge. The embargo goes away when the tyrants go to the dustbin of history. This of course upsets communists in the US, like AOC, where they naturally lash out at America.
This little witch and her ilk don't seem to understand when they open their mouths they're proving the Right's case how wrong, destructive and dangerous they are for America.
Dunno how you're going to do it America, but you better run these monsters out of power come 2022. If not, what you're seeing in Cuba, Venezuela etc will be this country's future.

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