Wednesday, July 7, 2021

As Prices Continue to Surge Biden Vows to Raise Taxes on Fossil Fuel Companies

  How much have you seen gas prices rise, and don't say $.50 cents to a $1 more for a gallon of gas, NO ONE buys just a gallon. How much more are you paying for a tank of gas? $5, $10, $15 more?
Get ready to pay more because obama's puppet is planning on raising taxes on fossil fuel companies, who WILL PASS ON THAT COST TO YOU to pay for the Left's pet "infrastructure" projects! Anyone suggesting otherwise is on outright liar, companies always pass on increased costs and taxes to their customers, not to punish you but to keep the doors open and lights on. This is basic economics 101 that any sane capitalist understands, the Left not so much as they think energy comes out of thin air.
If you watch this entire speech you'll hear all this fool and his ilk want to do is tax this country for every cent possible. You see, they think your money is their money and allow you to keep some of it.
While prices on fuel are raised you should expect the cost of the raw material to make it, aka oil, to go up too. This means costs of countless products and services go up as well. Walk around you office, home, whatever and just about everything you come in contact with is made from oil!
So when the old guy, and his ilk on the Left, talks about consumers not seeing a tax increase he is lying. This guy is doing everything in his power to crash the US economy with the entire democrat party (politicians to voters) support. They really think when the dust settles they'll be there to rebuild the country and we'll all go along happily. NOPE, SWHTF!

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