Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Biden Reads Directly Off Notes to Answer Question on Latest Cyberattack

Obama's puppet's mental decline seems to be accelerating as he is more and more having to refer to prepared notes to respond to serious matters when pressed by reporters. Here he is reading prepared remarks concerning the latest Russian cyberattack because the last thing they would want is getting on Putey-Pute's bad side.
They day is going to come when this disaster is going to be dealing with Putin, Jinping, Crazy Fat Kid or the mullahs in Iran and he will say or do the wrong thing putting America on the pathway to war or handing power over to them. The old guy is truly a national security threat and how ANYONE in Congress can sit back not taking action to remove him is amazing. They did everything possible to get Trump out, whose actions kept America safe. This clown is lighting the country on fire and NO ONE dems or repubs are calling for his removal!
The GOP are truly wastes of flesh to not do anything. Yes, we know we'll have the harlot in the Oval, but who would you prefer keeping in mind both are puppets for obama? America loses with either in power, under which would we have not as much damage done??

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