Friday, July 2, 2021

Biden Snaps at Reporters For Asking Questions He Doesn't Want to Answer

  The illegitimate individual did not want to do his job answering serious questions with regards to the troop pullout in Afghanistan. He snapped at state media propagandists saying, 'I want to talk about happy things, man.' That didn't stop the vultures from asking more questions where the old guy then stated 'I’m not gonna answer any more questions on Afghanistan. Look it's the Fourth of July, I'm concerned that you guys are asking me questions, that I'll answer next week,' where he then listed some questionable facts such as the current state of the economy 'is growing faster than any time in 40 years'!   It's kind of shocking he was asked actual real questions from these degenerates. The old guy got used to softball questions about ice cream and hiding in his basement thinking he can just cruise along for the next four years. His obama regime handlers must have been sweating bullets knowing at any second he could start rambling on incoherently thus why he has the cheat sheets to read from. This display of aggression is becoming all too common, but it is expected from anyone suffering from dementia!

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